sailing into the SAR-Zone

(english below)

„The SY Trotamar III will be ready to support search and rescue operations if needed or required and render assistance for the purpose of safeguarding human rights and ensuring the safety of human life at sea, in compliance with national and international law of the sea and human rights law.“ — Mit dieser Aussage haben wir den Behörden offiziell mitgeteilt, dass wir auf dem Mittelmeer seit Mitternacht nach Menschen suchen, die Hilfe auf ihrer gefhärlichen Reise nach Europa benötigen.

„The SY Trotamar III will be ready to support search and rescue operations if needed or required and render assistance for the purpose of safeguarding human rights and ensuring the safety of human life at sea, in compliance with national and international law of the sea and human rights law.“ — With this statement, we have officially informed the authorities that we have been searching the Mediterranean since midnight for people who need help on their dangerous journey to Europe.

Fotos / Videos: Ina Meyer, CompassCollective